Monday, 18 February 2013

Duit oh Duit

selamat naik ke semester baru.. :)

buat checklist brg nk beli

  • kasut
  • seluar (sbb dah koyak yg lama)
  • yuran dinner
  • buku (sebiji lebih kurang seratus lebih)
  • baju (sikit2 utk prktikal ujung sem)
  • program (dahulukan duit sndiri dlu)
  • lesen kereta
  • dsbg

..byk nya brang kena beli..buka purse..tgok ada sekeping not 50..tekan bank cek akaun..Allah ada RM50..

sebak! sesak.! Allah buntu mna nak cari duit..ckup mnta mak abah..diorang pun nak guna duit..

pendam seorang..cuba berjimat..berhimpit..bergelut antara kehendak dan keperluan..tahan hati, cakap sabar..ujian utk kamu.. :)

insyaAllah ada rezeki utk kamu nant..klu bkn arini, mungkin esok, mungkin thun depan, mungkin masa depan..

kalau cerita pasal duit, mmg sesak..tgok org lain mewah..tringin rsa nak mewah..tipu kalau cakap tk cemburu kan..tpi nk buat mcm mna.. Allah kata rezeki aku byk ni ja..sabar hati..sabar..ada bahagian kamu satu ari nant..

::: tersentuh..sikap dia lain..lain dari yg lain..dan yang lain itu laa buat hati rasa ramai boleh jadi mcm tu..hanya mampu bangga dan mengagumijauh dri sudut upaya menyimpan lebih rsa dlm hati..bgaikan langit dan bumi sbnarnya..sedar diri mna aku berpijak sekarang.. :::

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Fighting My Dear Friend..!

hye guys..! rasanya mcm dah lama tak coret apa2 dekat sini..ekceli i've a lot of story to tell here, but do really have a not of time..wondering, what i've done actually till did'nt have time..haaaa of course laaa just eat and sleep.

since i just end my semester break, while waiting to get manyyyyyy work so, i take this opportunity to write somting here. yeahhh semester break which look like not a break.. i just get rest 2 weeks only while others can enjoy about 2 month at home..see?? how tough i am..hahahhaa

oke actually two weeks before starting class i just got to join Students Leadership Camp..see..2 weeks guys what a long day for leadership camp..but syukur Alhamdulillah, i gain a lot of benefits there. and till the last day of the program, we shoot to Malacca from Penang..

actually we go there to visit our friend, Arif...i go there with En.Awi, Azry, n Tipah..+ UUM driver.. we got a new that he is sick (some kind of dispression or mental disorder)..pity him..early, we really cant accept this..but well, this is Allah test for him. i dont know how to explain what happen to him.. but surely, "air mata bergenang" to see him in that situation.. suddenly feel that, i've lost one best friend..Arif today is not like the old Arif.. i do really miss Arif yg dlu..lost word to see his face without any expression..lost word to see him who did not know who are us..really break our heart to see him in that condition. i feel like to cry, but, i know, i've to be strong as it is one of the way to help him.. just hope n pray that one day, Allah will give him a good health and he can be Arif like the ori Arif.. i do really miss him..! :(

byak nka cerita..tpi terdengar pnggilan azan..seruan Allah..ayuh, berhenti solat..sedekahkan doa buat sahabat.. :)

::: kdang kita rsa ujian utk kita sgt hebat...tpi sedar tk sedar, tgok org sekeliling kita yg lgi di timpa musibah yg maha besar...sedar diri sekejap.. :::